Gaither Vocal Band Gaither Vocal Band - These are They

The oceans give up of the dead
That are in them
The graves open wide
To set captives free
And those who are roaming the Earth rise to meet them
Abraham's seed as the sands of the sea


These are they
Who have come out of great tribulation
They have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb
They have come through much sorrow into great jubilation
They're redimeded by the blood of the Lamb

And like a strong and mighty army
Their voices are ringing
Oh great cloud of witnesses
They sing freedom's song
As they enter the country
Built by their own fathers
The promissed homeland
They've looked for... so long

And all the strangers
And all the pilgrims
They'll be no longer strangers
All the tired and the weary wanderers
They'll wander no more
The table is spread for the great celebration
And the welcome home banner
Flies over the door
